Hawkedon Primary School

Belong, Be Kind, Achieve

Hawkedon Primary School, Hawkedon Way, Lower Earley, Reading, Berkshire, RG6 3AP

0118 9667444


The School Day





School starts

9.00 am

8.50 am

8.50 am


11.50 am

12.15 pm

12.15 pm


1.10 pm

1.25 pm

1.25 pm

School ends

3.15 pm

3.20 pm

3.20 pm

Children start arriving on our Infant and Junior playground from around 8:40am; Teachers open the classroom doors at 8:45 at which time children are able to enter the building.

The School day begins at 8.50am when a bell will ring.

On arriving in their classrooms, the children empty their bags and start an Early Morning Activity followed by the first of their morning lessons. They hang their bags and coats on the pegs in the classroom (most classrooms have their cloakrooms in the classroom).

During the morning session, most classes will have a Maths and English lesson and children will often attend assembly. They will have a daily playtime of 20 minutes; children are encouraged to bring a piece of fruit with them to school.

Lunchtime begins at 11.50 for Reception children and 12.15 for KS1 and KS2 children. All children will eat in our large hall and then enjoy playtime activities until 1.10 pm for Reception and 1.25 pm for KS1 and KS2.

During the afternoon session, children will enjoy a range of other lessons and KS1 children will often have a short afternoon break and snack time.

The afternoon session finishes at 3.15 pm for Reception children and 3.20pm for the rest of the school. Parents/carers can collect their children from the infant and junior playground. Please let the teacher know if your child is being collected by an after school club or by another adult.

Infants must be collected from school at the end of the day. Junior children may have parents' permission to go home alone.

- We would encourage all children to walk to school - there are lots of benefits: it's healthier than travelling by car, it improves the safety of pedestrians and road users, and it respects nearby residents and parking regulations. We do also have bike racks for those children coming to school on their bikes and scooters.Please remember to wear a cycle helmet. If you need to travel by car, please drive with care and park wisely. We have a drop of point at the front of the school where your child can safely exit the car. 

ABSENCES - If your child is unwell or not coming to school for any reason, you MUST notify the school on the first day of that absence. You should send an in-app message via the Arbor app or write an email to the email address set up specifically for this: attendance@hawkedon.wokingham.sch.uk. For last minute appointments or absences you can leave a voicemail on 01189 667444 option 1. Please state the nature of the illness for our attendance records - do not say 'unwell or sick'.

LATENESS - Of course we understand that there are occasionally reasons why children may be late to school, however please remember that it is very unsettling for your child. Persistent lateness will result in further action. If for any reason you will be late collecting your child please telephone the school office to advise what alternative arrangements you have made.