Hawkedon Primary School

Belong, Be Kind, Achieve

Hawkedon Primary School, Hawkedon Way, Lower Earley, Reading, Berkshire, RG6 3AP

0118 9667444



If you would like your child to attend Hawkedon Primary School, your admission request should be made directly to Wokingham Borough Council.  All Primary admissions are coordinated by the local authority and all places and preferences will be treated on an equal basis taking account of the admissions criteria.

Online applications are now available at the Wokingham Borough Council website - Wokingham Borough Council - Admissions to schools

For specific information and queries regarding your child’s admission or application contact:

Admissions Section:
Children’s Services
Wokingham Borough Council
PO Box 156
Shute End
RG40 1WN

Telephone:  0118 9746000
Email:        schooladmissions@wokingham.gov.uk



Please follow the link here to the Wokingham Borough Council website for information about the accessibility of the school environment.


Partnership Foundation Stage Unit

We have a Reception year group who work in partnership with EarleyBird Pre-School who share our site and our buildings.  Attending EarleyBird Pre-School does not guarantee that your child will get a place within the main school.  



Information for parents regarding admissions appeals can be found on the Wokingham website here.


The planned admission figure for the school is 90 for our Reception Year Group.