Hawkedon Primary School

Belong, Be Kind, Achieve

Hawkedon Primary School, Hawkedon Way, Lower Earley, Reading, Berkshire, RG6 3AP

0118 9667444



Trips and visitors to school are an exciting part of life at Hawkedon for every year group from our youngest visiting a local farm to the eldest staying overnight in Ypres.

Each trip and visitor brings a new experience to our pupils, which they may not have had otherwise.

Not only do these experiences further children’s learning in the curriculum but they are an opportunity for children to develop their personal skills, such as co-operation, respect and independence. Each trip and visitor adds to the cultural capital for our children, giving them essential knowledge and skills that they need to prepare them for their future success.

Year 1 Milestones

Year 2 Spirit of the Wild

Windsor Castle Year 2

Year 3 Butser Ancient Farm

Year 4 Ufton Court

Year 5 Tower of London

Year 6 Manor Adventure Residential

Year 6 Ypres Belgium

Henley Literary Festival