Hawkedon Primary School

Belong, Be Kind, Achieve

Hawkedon Primary School, Hawkedon Way, Lower Earley, Reading, Berkshire, RG6 3AP

0118 9667444


 Welcome to Hawkedon Primary School

In 2024 Hawkedon Primary School enters its fortieth year and has expanded through that time to its current number of 630 pupils.  

Hawkedon has a strong tradition of providing its children with an excellent, rounded education but more than that, it is a family school with past pupils returning as staff or becoming the parents of our next generation of children. Our school community is diverse, representing the area in which our families live and we embrace the great creativity and variety to all aspects of school life that this diversity brings. 

Hawkedon’s vision is for children to develop into confident, caring, lifelong learners and our staff work tirelessly to ensure that we provide all the opportunities possible to fulfill this vision. A Values Based School, Hawkedon’s ethos is one of encouraging children to reflect on their behavior and values and the impact they can have on their family, school and community.  

Many of our children aspire to attend grammar school as their next step in education, others chose from the excellent secondary schools in the local area and all leave us exceptionally well equipped for the next stage in their school careers. 

We work in an alliance of schools, The Schools' Learning Alliance, to further enhance and support our school. There are currently over thirty schools in our Alliance which share expertise and guidance to improve the education for all children in the local area.

Our website is a celebration of our children’s achievement and will give you an indication of life at Hawkedon and the opportunities open to you and your children.