Hawkedon Primary School

Belong, Be Kind, Achieve

Hawkedon Primary School, Hawkedon Way, Lower Earley, Reading, Berkshire, RG6 3AP

0118 9667444


Remote Learning


 Remote Learning Policy - Sep 2020.pdfDownload
 Remote Learning Provision Information.pdfDownload
Showing 1-2 of 2


Having problems accessing Teams- click here

Camera not working on school laptop (Stone)  - Solution FN key + F10 will toggle camera off and on. Click user avatar -settings - devices - make test call

Battery not working on school laptop (Stone)  some of our laptops have faulty batteries and require to be plugged in at all times

We have supplied some videos to support parents in accessing the remote learning for their child.

Please watch these if you need support in accessing the remote learning or homework.

1 How to log in to Teams

2 Navigating Teams

3 How to Complete Homework

4 How to Download and Upload Files

5 How to Join a Live Lesson

6 How to Download a Lesson

More information can be found on our school O365 remote learning site (login to Office 365 is required).
