Hawkedon Primary School

Belong, Be Kind, Achieve

Hawkedon Primary School, Hawkedon Way, Lower Earley, Reading, Berkshire, RG6 3AP

0118 9667444


 younger-children-social-networking-sites-report NSPCC (1).pdfDownload
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Please Note: Fortnite factsheet - Whilst we recognise that the age requirement is 12 and children at this school should not be participating in the game, we have provided the factsheet  for our parents.  We are not condoning the use of this game by providing this information.

Please find below additional resources on external websites.  Hawkedon Primary School does not accept responsibility for information provided on these sites.

For lots of advice, top tips, downloadable resources and the latest online news getsafeonline.org

Tips and advice and lots of useful resources for parents and teachers  saferinternet.org.uk

Your guide to the social networks your kids use, developed in conjunction with mumsnet and regularly updated with info on the latest apps net-aware.org.uk

ThinkYouKnow by CEOP (National Crime Agency): a place to learn more about different online apps and sites and also advice on how to report something that’s wrong or worries you thinkuknow.co.uk

BullyingUK: a specialist site with anti-bullying advice including lots on online bullying bullying.co.uk

Kidsmart: a fun online site with games and competition as well as advice kidsmart.org.uk

Digizen: how to be a good online citizen. Links to Childnet International and activities for parents, kids and teachers digizen.org/kids

A Platform for Good: a best practice site for parents and kids on how to use the internet for the power of good aplatformforgood.org