Hawkedon Primary School

Belong, Be Kind, Achieve

Hawkedon Primary School, Hawkedon Way, Lower Earley, Reading, Berkshire, RG6 3AP

0118 9667444


Hawkedon Primary School Admission Arrangements 2024/2025 entry

Hawkedon is one of the largest primary schools in Wokingham with a reputation for providing its children with an exceptional, rounded education. It is a family school with strong traditions built over forty years combined with new ones, embracing the cultures and families within our community. Our ethos of 'Belong, Be Kind, Achieve' is woven through all we do at our school.

Hawkedon is one of the founding member schools of the Orchard Learning Alliance Multi-Academy Trust. For further details on the Academy please see the website here.

To contact our admissions team, please send an email to admissions@hawkedon.wokingham.sch.uk


Admission Arrangements 2024-25 policy


Reception Intake 2025 School Admissions Applications

Admissions for Reception/Foundation Stage entry for 2025/26 must be made to your home local authority.

If you are considering applying for the Foundation Stage September 2025 intake at Hawkedon Primary School, then the school must be named as a preference on your application to your home local authority.

Local Authorities may differ in dates in which you can apply from however, the National Closing Date for applications to be received is 15 January 2025. Please contact your home local authority for further information regarding the admissions process.

Wokingham Borough Council residents please use this website - Wokingham Borough Council - Admissions to schools

For specific information and queries regarding your child’s admission or application contact:

School Admissions:
Telephone:  0118 9746000
Email:        schooladmissions@wokingham.gov.uk




Applying for a school place outside of normal admissions (In-Year Transfers)

You can make an application to move from one school to another at any time of year.

Hawkedon Primary School manages in-year transfers and all applications should be made direct to the school using the form below and sent to 

admissions@hawkedon.wokingham.sch.uk.  For more information, please see the admission arrangements policy above. Please note that applications will not be dealt with during the school holidays.


Appeals for In-Year Admissions

Information for parents regarding admissions appeals can be found in the Admission Arrangements Policy. Please submit the form below to admissions@hawkedon.wokingham.sch.uk.



Please follow the link here to the Wokingham Borough Council website for information about the accessibility of the school environment.



 In Year Admission Form 2024-2025.pdfDownload
 Hawkedon Appeal Form.pdfDownload
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